Here are the key terms used by Content Retention Manager for Jira (CRMJ):
- audit log
- A log of all the actions which users and the app automation (if enabled) have taken.
- automation
- A feature that automatically purges contents according to the retention policies.
- delete
- When users delete the content to the trash.
- indefinite
- For retention policies, a content has an indefinite retention period is marked as “evergreen” for content audit, and will not be subject to automation. Note that a content with an indefinite retention period may still be deleted via Jira by users with delete permissions and purged by space admins.
- purge
- When data is removed from the trash and is permanently gone. This is the same action as Jira admins purging a content from the trash.
- retention rule
- A policy defines a content’s retention status and the actions to be taken by CRMJ to manage the content’s status or purge the content.
- retention period
- The number of days that a content is certain to not be deleted by CRMJ.
- status
- The content’s Jira status, which could be live or archived.
- CRMJ user
- A Jira user who has the required permissions to manage CRMJ retention policies and automation, delete or purge contents, and review audit logs.